6 Week Body Transformation Course

January 6 Week Body Transformation Course 

6 Week Body Transformation Course Outline 

The course may change, adapt and variables be added to improve the course as well go along. We feel evolving each course only make it better for you.

Please not this is not a rapid weight loss course, nutritional course or a quick fix. The aim is for long term health habits and making sure you feel better what ever your goal are.

This is also perfect if you lack motivation and need that kick start.

This is a 6 week course which includes the following: 


WEEK 1 Full weigh in; Body Fat (Visceral and Normal) BMI, Measurements, Blood Pressure (Select location locations) 


Pictures Initial Pictures at Start and End (You will take your own as well for progress and motivation) – If you do not wish us to social these picture or share on social media please request this and we will keep completely private. 


Questions: Online Facebook Group Support

Tasks – Try complete weekly tasks (Habits, Diet and Exercise)


Work Out Plans: Optional; additional Work Out Plan weeks 3,4,5,6


Support: Online Private Group  (On going meal and food suggestions week 3 onwards) Please note we do not offer full diet and nutritional plans – 99% of people do not stick to them and no one size fits all. This course is about you learning and helping your self long term with diet and nutrition – Guidance and coaching is a more effective way for long term results; and your health. 


Report: Full Report at the end with ideas and suggestions on progress and going forward. 


WEEK 6: End of Week 6 – Full weigh in again; Body Fat (Visceral and Normal) 


BMI, Measurements, Blood Pressure, This will be the same locations as start)


General Advice: Advice and general health tips with your daily habits and routines will be added to the support group as we go along. 


Included: You will a Coffee Mug for completing the 6 week course or similar 


Fitness side: Attend at least 2 Fitness classes of your choice any location (if you missed sessions that is fine but we recommend at least two or more classes a week for the best results 



Course Stats Check 7th-13th Jan (Can attend classes in this week if you wish)

Check up will be at Headingley, Rodley Cricket Club, & Kippax; Other locations Such as Baildon, York may be used if numbers are popular) 

UKOF HQ Crown House Armley will have allotted slots in the day and at the weekend if you struggle with times. 

  • Course Week 1 14th January (Start date for all)
  • Course Week 2 21st January
  • Course Week 3  28th January
  • Course Week 4 4th February
  • Course Week 5 11th February
  • Course Week 6 18th February

Re-check are over week 6 in same locations.


What you need to do: 


  • Attend at least two sessions a week for 6 weeks (Unlimited available – Indoors £1 extra)
  • You can send in weekly picture for progress with how you feel, energy levels and motivation (Optional)
  • Send in your weight in on week after week 3 – This is done yourself.
  • Food Diary in weeks 3 & 4
  • Send in at least one home cooked meal with recipe per by the end of the course
  • Be Honest to yourself and try your hardest at all times
  • Be open to change
  • Gain support from friends and family – Social media can really help support and keep you motivated. “Say it and you’ll have to do it”
  • Be Committed to your Health and Fitness- We are

T & Cs 

  • This is step one and the itinerary and variables may slightly change closer to the course which you will be informed about (Only improving it) .
  • We are not doctors or Registered Dieticians. We do not provide any medical advice or diagnosis.
  • Anything medically you are concerned about, please consult your doctor.
  • Results are not always 100% Garanteed. We will put 100% in but you also have to do the same to see changes and results. 99% of people who completed the course saw positions health benefits. If you do not put the effort in or drop out of the course you may not see the results you desire.
  • Health Par Q form is filled in online before the first session.
  • You participate at your own risk.
  • Wear appropriate sports wear and trainers when at classes.


Monthly DD and Annual Members First Timer £50 

Repeat Course for Members only £35 

Non Members Early Bird £95 Booked before 4th January

N.B Non Member After January 4th 2019: £110

Black Friday Deals are Non refundable 

Results from a few participates. 

Meet Andy

Meet Catherine

Meet Sophie

Meet Satty

Meet Bethan

Meet Freya

Other results that participates achieved:

  • “Better sleeping patterns”
  • “Drinking less”
  • “Eating health”
  • “More energy and more alert”
  • “Made New Friends”
  • “Became Motivated”
  • “Due to the course entered 10Ks and Total Warrior 





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- Charlotte English, Leeds

When I first started Bootcamp people I know used to comment, “You’re Brave!” I’ve found since joining 2 months ago it’s not as scary as people make out I have began a new way of living and it\’s good to see that it’s paying off by becoming fitter each week and seeing the lbs go the right way on the scales-downwards!! I have been to a number of sessions across available and each session has been fun and never the same as the last. All the instructors are encouraging and people within the group are positive too. It’s good to know someone will encourage you to press that little bit further than before because they know you can do it, even when you think you can't

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- Phillipa Clark, Leeds, Member since 2011

I have now lost about 22 lbs since January 2011 and 17 lbs of that has been lost since joining in July 2011, it’s now September! Update in 2022 its 10 years later I am still a member