Exercising in Hot Weather 's Image

Exercising in Hot Weather

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June 16, 2023

When training in hot weather please make sure you train smart and safe!  Here are a few tips for training when the weather is hotter:  n. Stop and hydrate Hydrate as and when you need to and take plenty on water in. Good hydration is so important. If you can take fluids in before ...

York Bootcamp Events Calendar 2023 's Image

York Bootcamp Events Calendar 2023

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May 23, 2023

With the summer coming up we have lots going on for the members at York Bootcamp  Alongside training outdoors it is great to participate in other activities from hikes, races to games of rounders and more.  A massive thank you to our members who help organise these; Anita, Nick, Lizzy and...

Benefits Of Training Outdoors 's Image

Benefits Of Training Outdoors

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February 14, 2023

Many of us spend far too much time inside. Being out in the fresh is so important.  Exercising outdoors offers many benefits, including: Increased exposure to natural sunlight, which helps regulate the body's internal clock and can improve mood and sleep. Fresh air and natural surroundings...

What are the benefits of being more mobile's Image

What are the benefits of being more mobile

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January 20, 2023

Why would you want to have better mobilisation  As we train harder, grow older, many of you will find that you wake up feeling stiff, creaky and aching. Dynamic mobility stretching can really help you with you feeling better.  Alongside normal static stretching adding mobility exercises ...

Why people give up?'s Image

Why people give up?

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January 16, 2023

Why People Give up and help Intro | Too much too soon | Motivation | Hurts too much | Social Media Comparison | More reasons | Ask for help   Introduction   With spring a few month away I can hear people saying "I have given up, Ive fallen off, I cant keep it up" So what about ...

Members of the Year 's Image

Members of the Year

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January 10, 2023

Members of the Year  Each year we like to award different members for there participation and positivity at Bootcamp This year was one of our hardest years to choose who deserved with so many amazing members deserving this. Please see below the members of the year 2022:  Kirkstall&nb...

4 Week Transformation Course 2023's Image

4 Week Transformation Course 2023

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December 27, 2022

Welcome to UK Outdoor Fitness's 4 week Transformation Course 2023  NUTRITION | WELL-BEING | FITNESS The aim of this 4  course is to help you to become a healthier better you, where you make better choices with your health and lifestyle in the longer term! We want you to feel better,...

Outdoor Trail and Winter Trainers's Image

Outdoor Trail and Winter Trainers

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November 14, 2022

Trail Trainers - Are you ready for winter Part 1?  (Please note this Blog is currently being updated - last date of info added 11th October 2021 - Some links may expire at any time)  Using Outdoor Trail Trainers with a good grip can help with safety in the winter, as well as ai...

Outdoor Fitness in the winter's Image

Outdoor Fitness in the winter

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November 12, 2022

Are you ready for the Winter Part 2?  - Fitness Gear to Survive the Winter  Please note this is a working updating blog so only in draft stage - Not finished, edited or proof checked. I am mildly dyslexic so some of the below may not make sense yet :)  Please note these ar...

Improve your mental health outdoors 's Image

Improve your mental health outdoors

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October 10, 2022

Mental Health – Better Mental Health For You  World Mental Health Day is 10th October which is great to see that people are been made more aware of the subject.  Looking after your mental health has never been more important and relevant  Fresh Air, community, social, weig...



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- Phillipa Clark, Leeds, Member since 2011

I have now lost about 22 lbs since January 2011 and 17 lbs of that has been lost since joining in July 2011, it’s now September! Update in 2022 its 10 years later I am still a member 

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- Lynne Tyson

I've been a member of UK outdoor fitness for around 10 years and love it. It is a great community, helps me push myself harder and the laughs we have keeps me young! It is great for all ages and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes being outdoors