Covid-19 Secure and Group Exercise Guidelines

Covid Secure Guidelines and Disclaimer 

What are we doing to help keep you safe 

Anyone who is showing or feeling symptoms of covid-19 to be advised to not attend sessions 
Members will not attend sessions if they have any of the following in accordance with NHS and Government Guideline 

“Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has any of the following”:

• a high temperature
• a new, continuous cough
• a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

Please be aware of Social Distancing in accordance with Government Guidelines 

We are adhering to a minimum Space per participant of 2m x 2m /  3m x 3m depending on the class content with Marker added where possible to help keep the distance. 

Close Contact 
Please be aware or close contact at classes - This is used by Track and Trace to determine whether people need to self isolate when being exposed or near someone who has Covid-19 

No mixing of groups within the group. Please make sure you do not mix (Distanced) with more than the same 6 people of a large group. Please limit social interaction between each other. 

Arriving and leaving the class 
When checking in and leaving a class please do not gather one a group. Please find a safe area where the class has been set out and we encourage you to keep your valuables and water with you  


Contactless Attendance 

Currently when you check in via software on instructors phone. This is contactless for attendance records. If you are new we will manually add you to the register  - If you decide to continue we will generate a QR code for you to use when you attend! We now have to legally keep all registers for a minimum of 21 days for Track and Trace

QR Codes - We encourage you to have your emergency contact and any health issues on your QR Code 

QR Code for for Track and Trace  
This has Emergency Contact and any health issues on 

Before and after the class

When you attend the class please have your QR Code. This can be on your phone (Favourites is a good idea), Printed, Laminated, made in to a keyring, Taped to your bottle or however you can bring.  

When you have registers via the scanning app please wait for the session to start with social distancing and not gather in a large group close together (In accordance to the governments guidelines of "social distancing" (See above link) 

Registering for classes 

To help with track and trace as well as keeping adhering to the law with numbers per class every member and attendee needs to book > here 

Track and Trace 

Each Bootcamp Venue will have a QR Track and Trace Poster if you wish to scan - Please ask the instructor for this and it will be available at the start and end of the session. Please note this is voluntary and you will need to download the Track and Track App 

To follow the Government Guideline we will need you to register/ Cancel for each class and please bring your unique QR Code so you can be checked (This will be kept for a minimum of 21 days) 


Close Contact 

Please see below Public Health England / Government Website Updated 28th September 2020 

Please be aware the best way to keep yourself safe when attending a fitness class - Below will help your safety with the definition of close contact which "Track and Trace (See above)" Use to determine self isolation  

What is meant by a ‘contact’  

A ‘contact’ is a person who has been close to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 anytime from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 10 days from onset of symptoms (this is when they are infectious to others). For example, a contact can be:

·       people who spend significant time in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19

·       sexual partners

·       a person who has had face-to-face contact (within one metre), with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, including:

·       being coughed on

·       having a face-to-face conversation within one metre

·       having skin-to-skin physical contact, or

·       contact within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact

·       a person who has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes

·       a person who has travelled in a small vehicle with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or in a large vehicle or plane near someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

Where an interaction between 2 people has taken place through a Perspex (or equivalent) screen, this would not be considered sufficient contact, provided that there has been no other contact such as any of those indicated above.

Contacts of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 need to self-isolate at home because they are at risk of developing symptoms themselves in the next 14 days and could spread the virus to others before the symptoms begin

If you are a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, then you will be notified by the NHS Test and Trace service via text message, email or phone. If you are notified, please follow the guidance in this document closely.

If you have not been notified that you are a contact, this means you do not need to self-isolate and should follow the general guidance, for example, social distancing, hand-washing, and covering coughs and sneezes.

>>> Government Guidelines <<< 


Sanitiser and Valuables 

If possible please bring your own Hand Sanitiser 

We will have space for valuables (Please limit this) but we are currently suggesting that you bring wipes when collecting to avoid cross contamination or bring your own bag which we will leave in safe place by the session 

For further prevention is we are suggesting that you bring your own bag and can leave in safe area/ locked in the van or bring a fitness belt / sport belt for your keys/ phone 

We will have hand sanitiser available. 


We are encouraging members to bring their own equipment. In sessions that we use equipment, they will have been sanitised before the session and not to be shared with any other participant in that specific class (Unless fully sanitised before somebody else uses it.) They will be sanitised at the end of the class and before a different group uses the equipment. 

Please note we ask participants not to swap equipment and our trainers are doing everything they can do avoid any cross contamination with the safety of our members there upmost priority. 


Risk Assesememt 

To the best of our knowledge we have review and made everything as safe as possible for Participates and instructors for a safe return to classes. Following the guidlines on the Government Website


Please see the rules and regulations for Group Exercise 

Team sport and physical activity

From 29th March – date subject to four tests being met

  • Group exercise can take place outdoors for up to 30 people including the instructor. Organised activities can take place and are not subject to gathering limits but should be compliant with guidance issued by National Governing Bodies.
  • This includes private gardens
  • Marquees may be used with at least two sides open to allow air flow through
  • Outdoor sports facilities can open
  • Stay at home rule ends but must limit travel in busiest times
  • Out of school classes can commence after 29th March

Please note as of 29th March, people will no longer be legally required to Stay at Home,
although lockdown restrictions will remain in place

Pad work is still not permitted in a fitness environment. We are continuing to work with Sport
England and England Boxing to map correctly to their guidance for our sector.

Participants should not mix before or after the class and instructors should ensure all COVID-19 guidelines in are adhered to.

There are exceptions on class sizes for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing.

Changing Guidelines and "Keeping Up"

  • Please be aware guidelines and information are changing rapidly so we are trying to keep as up to date a possible Some rules are not always be in date due to information from the government changing daily 
  • We are doing are best to understand and adhere to every policy and guideline
  • Ultimately, every participant needs to take responsibility for there actions, distancing and help keep each other  safe in these unprecedented times (We can get through this) 
  • Further Updates to be added as we find out more 

Updated 29 March 2021


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September 17, 2020



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- Andrea Hinnells

I joined UK Fitness nearly a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed every single class both outdoors and the online classes during lockdown .  All the trainers are fantastic and even though they push you it’s always with a smile and plenty of banter.  The classes cater for all abilities and ages with help and alternative exercises when you need it.  Paul is the most positive person I have ever met  & through these difficult times has kept everyone motivated with his  upbeat attitude  offering advice and support to us all .  The online zoom classes have been an absolute lifeline to keep us all positive, fit and well. I am loving my fitness journey with UK Outdoor Fitness and can’t recommend them highly enough

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- Phillipa Clark, Leeds, Member since 2011

I have now lost about 22 lbs since January 2011 and 17 lbs of that has been lost since joining in July 2011, it’s now September! Update in 2022 its 10 years later I am still a member