Free Body Transformation Course

Welcome to UK Outdoor Fitness Free Body Transformation Course

This is 6-8 weeks of Tasks and Workouts to help with your daily routine. This is purely to help you where you are able to do anywhere and anytime.

If you want to get the best results give it ago – Please post your meals and progress on social media with hash #ukofhealth

Week 1

Task Task 2 Enhancement Notes 
Lower or cut out all alcohol Eat The Rainbow Veg 5 days + 10,000 Steps 5 days +Rainbow Task Sheet On Blog 

Exercise TASKS

  1. Beginner  Try any form of exercise – Run twice, 2 classes, work out at homeBeginner
  2. Advanced (Mix and Match) 2-4 Fitness Class, 2-3 Gyms and/ or Run 2-3 Times 3-5Km

Additional notes:

‘Eat the Rainbow’ (fruit and veg) The Colours

  1. Reds,
  2. Yellows,
  3. Oranges,
  4. Greens,
  5. White, Brown, Beige,
  6. Blue, Indigo & Violet

TASK 1: 5 or more days aim to have at least 4 out of the 6 each day (Additional – You can also tally how many you have each day to review at the end of the week)


Check out some of these excellent websites for examples of eating the rainbow – When googling the rainbow all sites will differ between 5 and 7 colour variations – For this purpose we will go with 6

N.B > Research the different foods for different colours. 

Rainbow TrackerDownload

Week 2

Task Task 2 Enhancement Notes 
No emails or Social Media after 09.30pm – Be Strict on thisChew your food twice as slowChew your food twice as slow -Cut down or avoid TransfatContinue previous weeks tasks and take a picture each week if you wish  

Exercise TASKS

  1. Beginner  Try any form of exercise – Run twice, Go to at least 2 classes, work out at home 2-3 times for 15-20 – Add 3 x 1 min plank
  2. Advanced (Mix and Match) 2-4 Fitness Class, 2-3 Gyms and/ or Run 2-3 Times 3-5Km
  3. Check out instagram Wednesday paulmsmith5 / ukoutdoorfitness for extra workouts #wednesdayworkout

Additional notes:

Social Media Limitation to help your sleep

Social Media, (bright lights) or devices including TV after 09.30pm before you go bed – This can help with better sleep as well as relaxing you, and helping you to fall to sleep more quickly.

Good article to read – Sleep Article

Good article to read – Sleep Article 2

Here are some more tips on getting a better nights sleep


Cut down Trans-Fat Foods, or cut out completely except one day a week

Below are a few ideas of foods that contain Trans Fats – Basically the more processed the food, the higher the chance that it will contain Trans Fats as well as being higher in Sugar. (In general food that we all know isn’t the best for you and should be eaten in moderation):

  • Cakes, Pies, Biscuits and Cookies (especially with icing, chocolate coating, or a filling).
  • Processed mixes (batters, pancakes etc)
  • Pastry 
  • Deep Fried Food
  • Ice Cream
  • Margarine – Always use butter
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Cream-filled Pastries and Doughnuts
  • Frozen Pizza
Avoid Trans-Fats where possible - Junk Food

Week 3

Task Task 2 Enhancement Notes 
Drink more water throughout the day 
No “White” Bread, Pizza or Pasta or massively  reduceAvoid all 
sugary drinks especially energy drinks
Continue previous weeks tasks and take a picture each week if you wish 

Exercise TASKS

  1. Beginner:  Try any form of exercise – Run twice; or go to at least 2 classes, work out at home 2-3 times for 15-20 – Add 3 x 25 Sit up or reverse crunch 3 times a week
  2. Advanced (Mix and Match) 2-4 Fitness Class, 2-3 Gyms and/ or Run 2-3 Times 3-6Km
  3. Check out instagram Wednesday paulmsmith5 / ukoutdoorfitnessfor extra workouts (So far it has been simple)

Additional notes:

Drinking more water can help with the following:

  • Help with headaches
  • Being more alert
  • Help avoid injuries when muscles fibre dry out
  • Help flush out toxins
  • Help with better skin
  • Help maximise your fitness performance
  • We need water to live
  • Help with bowel movements
  • It can in case aid weight loss

White Carbs – Coming shortly

  • White Bread.
  • White Bagels.
  • White Rice
  • White Pasta
  • Pizza

Week  4

Task 1 Notes Task 1EnhancementNotes 
Fill in a food diary for 2 weeksFill in Food diary as much as possible. Everything you eat and drink Increase your average steps by 10-20% each dayContinue previous weeks tasks and take a picture each week if you wish 

Exercise TASKS

  1. Beginner:  Try any form of exercise – Run twice; or go to at least 2 classes, work out at home 2-3 times for 15-20 – Add 3 x 25 Sit up or reverse crunch 3 times a week
  2. Advanced (Mix and Match) 2-4 Fitness Class, 2-3 Gyms and/ or Run 2-3 Times 3-6Km – Add core exercise from above 2-3 times
  3. Check out instagram Wednesday paulmsmith5 / ukoutdoorfitness for extra workouts

Fill a Food diary in for 2 weeks

Food diaries are an excellent way to track what food you consume; when you consume and your daily habits. This is a great way to make small changes and see how you can improve what you eat long term.

When writing down your food diary or if you use an app or note on phone; make sure that you add all the details, sizes and how you feel after you have eaten. Do not omit days or avoid writing things down. This is to help you and not a judgement.

TIPS: Try My Fitness Pal to help you train your food or check out other apps

Once you have filled in your food diary please send in week 1 and 2 to – We will only look at fully filled in diary for 7 and 14 days. This is the best way for us to help you.

Steps, Stairs and Walking

Increasing or activity trying to increase your steps can have a massive impact short and long term on your health. Walking has many benefits to your health. It is something we are built and designed to do. Has low impact (In general) on your joints and of course is free. If you work at a desk or office bound really try hard to add more step on break or on your lunch break. (Do not just work through – Make sure you take your break) Walking more can also help with the following list and a good website to read: NHS on Walking

  • Increased Energy levels
  • Good for your general health
  • Increases your fitness
  • It burns calories
  • Its great for your mental health
  • Its Free and you can do at any time, anywhere
  • Clears the mind
  • Gets you fresh air
  • Can be social if you walk with others

Week  5

Task 1 Notes EnhancementNotes 
Eat smaller portions and chew your food twice as slow Fill in Food diary week 2  as much as possible. Everything you eat and drink Try stretch before you go to bed 3-5 a times a weekContinue previous weeks tasks and take a picture each week if you wish 

Exercise TASKS

  1. Beginner:  Try any form of exercise – Run twice; or go to at least 2 classes, work out at home 2-3 times for 15-20 – Add 3 x 25 Sit up or reverse crunch 3 times a week
  2. Advanced(Mix and Match) 2-4 Fitness Class, 2-3 Gyms and/ or Run 2-3 Times 3-6Km. Add Core exercises from above 2-3 times
  3. Think about entering a race or run; sign up for a big walk. Set a challenge that is out of your comfort zone

Eat smaller portions and chew food smaller

It generally takes 20 minutes for your food to hit your stomach and brain to react so the signal saying that you are filling up or full. Some of the benefits of chewing food slower can be; You enjoy your food and feeling fulfilled rather than full, eat less, aid weight loss and help with your digestive system. Eating too fast can potentially cause digestive problems in the future.

An excellent article to read



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- Dave Sills

I joined as part of a 6 week campaign not only to get fitter but change my perception on food and exercise.  I attended both outdoor and online sessions during the 6 weeks and have noticed vast improvement.  I look forward to the classes, not only for a good workout but for the social aspect as the trainers and rest of the participants are all really friendly and welcoming.  Although no exact weight measurements, my 5km running time has improved by over 4 minutes, and I’ve lost 2 inches from my stomach.

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- Phillipa Clark, Leeds, Member since 2011

I have now lost about 22 lbs since January 2011 and 17 lbs of that has been lost since joining in July 2011, it’s now September! Update in 2022 its 10 years later I am still a member