December 07, 2023 18:30
Knavesmire Rd York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DJ United Kingdom
December 07, 2023 18:30
Knavesmire Rd York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DJ United Kingdom
Welcome to UK Outdoor Fitness – YORK .
On your first night, bring along the health questionnaire fully completed. (See Link below.) Also, bring It is advisable to arrive 10/15 minutes early on your first visit to complete registration.
Please Join our York Facebook Group
To down load the Health questionnaire from our website here Health form
Meeting point :
Please see below
Meeting Points
Sat Nav: YO24 1DJ Parking on the main road
Please bring water , adequate/appropriate sport clothing and be ready to join in, do hard work and most importantly, have lots of fun!!
For urgent enquiries please text or call Rob 07964787981
Check list
Bootcamp classes in York – Thursdays
+ Google Calendar+ iCal Export
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:
Knavesmire Rd York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DJ United Kingdom
- Dave Sills
I joined as part of a 6 week campaign not only to get fitter but change my perception on food and exercise. I attended both outdoor and online sessions during the 6 weeks and have noticed vast improvement. I look forward to the classes, not only for a good workout but for the social aspect as the trainers and rest of the participants are all really friendly and welcoming. Although no exact weight measurements, my 5km running time has improved by over 4 minutes, and I’ve lost 2 inches from my stomach.
- Andrea Hinnells
I joined UK Fitness nearly a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed every single class both outdoors and the online classes during lockdown . All the trainers are fantastic and even though they push you it’s always with a smile and plenty of banter. The classes cater for all abilities and ages with help and alternative exercises when you need it. Paul is the most positive person I have ever met & through these difficult times has kept everyone motivated with his upbeat attitude offering advice and support to us all . The online zoom classes have been an absolute lifeline to keep us all positive, fit and well. I am loving my fitness journey with UK Outdoor Fitness and can’t recommend them highly enough